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10 vrouwen in de bijbel waar we van kunnen leren

10 women in the Bible we can learn from

The Bible is full of inspiring stories of women showing courage, faith and strength in different situations. Their stories show how God uses women to carry out His plan and how we can learn from their examples. Here are 10 women from the Bible and the lessons we can take away from them.

1. Eve

Eve was the first woman, formed by God Himself. Although she and Adam failed through disobedience, her story shows how important it is to take responsibility for our choices. At the same time, we also learn about God's grace: despite our broken state, He continues to care for and work with humans.

2. Sara

Sarah had to wait for years for the fulfilment of God's promise that she would have a son. Her story teaches us that God's timing is perfect, even when it doesn't make sense to us. Patience and trust in His plan are essential.

3. Deborah

Deborah was a prophetess and judge in Israel, which was rare in her time. She led the people with wisdom and courage and played a crucial role in the victory over Israel's enemies. Her story reminds us that God gives women strength and leadership to make an impact in the world.

4. Rahab

Rahab was a Canaanite woman who helped Israelite spies as they entered Jericho. Despite her past, she chose to trust God and he redeemed her. As a result she and her family were saved. Her story shows that faith in God can give us a new beginning, regardless of our past.

5. Ruth

Ruth left her own people to follow her mother-in-law Naomi and build a new life. Her story shows how faithfulness and loyalty are blessed by God. Ruth became King David's great-grandmother and an ancestor of Jesus Christ.

6. Esther

Esther became queen and used her position to save her people from destruction. She risked her life by going to the king without being invited. Her story teaches us that sometimes we need to take courageous steps to help others and that God can put us in the right place for a higher purpose.

7. Mary, the mother of Jesus

Mary was an unmarried, virgin woman when the angel Gabriel told her she would become pregnant and give birth to the Son of God. Her obedience to God's plan, despite the uncertainty and difficulties it entailed, is a wonderful example of humility and trust in God.

8. Martha

Martha was someone who was always busy with practical matters, while her sister Mary sat at Jesus' feet listening to Him. Jesus taught Martha that listening to His words was more important than worrying about mundane things. This reminds us to get our priorities right and spend time with God.

9. Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene was freed from demonic possession and became a faithful, devoted follower of Jesus. She was one of the first witnesses of His resurrection. Her story shows that Jesus gives grace and a new beginning to all who follow Him.

10. Lydia

Lydia was a successful business woman and one of the first converts to Christianity in Europe. She opened her home to Paul and other believers, making her home a centre of faith. Her story shows how we can use our resources and gifts to support God's kingdom.

What can we learn from this?

These women show us that faith, courage, faithfulness and obedience to God can have a huge impact. They were not perfect, but God used them in a powerful way. Let these stories be an inspiration for your own journey with God!

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