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Bijbel lezen en bestuderen voor beginners

Bible reading and study for beginners

The Bible is a beautiful and inspiring book, but as a beginner it can be quite overwhelming. Where do you start? And what do the ancient stories say about your life now? No worries! In this blog, we give you helpful tips, a good place to start and a method to better understand the Bible.

Where is the best place to start?

The Bible consists of 66 books and is divided into the Old and New Testaments. Not every book is easy to start with. Therefore, we recommend starting with:

  • The gospel of John: This book tells about the life of Jesus, His love and His miracles. A perfect start to understanding who He is.
  • Psalms: A collection of songs and prayers that show how people bring their emotions, joys and sorrows to God.
  • Proverbs: Practical wisdom for everyday life, full of short and powerful lessons.
  • Romans: This book helps you better understand God's grace and salvation.

Then you can choose a book or topic that most appeals to you at that moment. Maybe you've read something you have questions about. Then you can search the internet for other texts or verses that address that! A good website for answering questions about the Bible is

The SOAP method for Bible study

One of the easiest ways to bring structure to your Bible study is the SOAP method. This method helps you not only read, but also understand and apply.

  • Scripture: Read a Bible verse or short passage that speaks to you.
  • Observation: What do you notice in this text? What is the context in which it was written?
  • Application: How can you apply this verse in your own life?
  • Prayer: Pray about what you have read and ask God for wisdom and insight.

By taking time to process what you read and reflecting on it, God's Word becomes personal and applicable. It helps you not only gain knowledge, but also grow in your relationship with God.

Practical tips for a good start

Make it a habit: Choose a fixed time in the day to read, for example in your morning routine or before bedtime.

Pray for insight: Ask God to help you understand and apply His Word.

Use an understandable translation: The ESV or NIV are good choices if you are looking for a clear translation. If there are verses you don't understand, you can compare in the YouVersion Bible app how an other translations describes it.

Write down what you learn: Keep a notebook where you write down what new insight you have, what made you think and what questions the text raises.

Be patient: You don't have to get it all at once. Give yourself time to grow in understanding the Bible.

Learning to understand the Bible

Reading the Bible is a process in which you are allowed to grow. Take your time, ask questions and be open to what God wants to show you. Most importantly, learn how His Word speaks to you today and shapes your life.

Want to hang your favourite Bible text on the wall as a daily reminder? Take a look at our collection of Christian posters!

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